- орг.4) гос. упр., трансп., амер. сокр. от Federal Transit Administration
* * *
1) = Financial Times Actuaries All Share Index 2) = Financiele Termijnmarkt Amsterdam* * *Ассоциация свободной торговли
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
FTA — аббревиатура английского словосочетания «free to air», что означает «бесплатно вещаемый». Наиболее часто эта аббревиатура и словосочетание используется, когда идёт речь о спутниковом телевидении. Некоторые каналы вещаемых со спутников, которые… … Википедия
FTA — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La sigla FTA puede hacer referencia a: Federal Transit Administration Free to air Obtenido de FTA Categorías: Wikipedia:Desambiguación | Siglas … Wikipedia Español
FTA — may stand for:* The Faery Tale Adventure, a computer game * Freight Transport Association * Failure to appear, a legal term * Fault tree analysis, a systems engineering term * Federación de Trabajadores Arubanos, the Aruban Workers Federation *… … Wikipedia
FTA — ist eine Abkürzung für: Failure to Acquire Rate, Biometrie, beschreibt den Anteil von Aufnahmeversuchen des Sensors, die fehlschlagen Fault Tree Analysis, engl. für Fehlerbaumanalyse File Transfer Appliance Filmtabletten (Pharmazie) Financial… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fta — ist eine Abkürzung für: Fault Tree Analysis, engl. für Fehlerbaumanalyse Financial Times Actuaries, britische Aktienindex Filmtabletten (Pharmazie) First To Answer, erste Antwort in einem neuen Foren Thread First To Attend, erste Anmeldung bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
FTA — abbr. Future Teachers of America. * * * … Universalium
FTA — U.S. Canada Free Trade Agreement of 1988 Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations … Law dictionary
FTA — Freight Transport Association represents the transport interests of companies moving goods by road, rail, sea and air. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * FTA UK US noun ► [S] COMMERCE, TRANSPORT ABBREVIATION for FREIGHT TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION(Cf … Financial and business terms
FTA-ABS — is a treponemal test for Syphilis. Using antibodies specific for the Treponema pallidum species, such tests are more specific than Non Treponemal testing such as VDRL. FTA (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody) ABS (Absorption) should always be… … Wikipedia
FTA-Test — FTA Test, Abkürzung für den Fluoreszenz Treponemen Antikörper Test … Universal-Lexikon
FTA receiver — A Viewsat Xtreme FTA receiver A free to air or FTA Receiver is a satellite television receiver designed to receive unencrypted broadcasts. Modern decoders are typically compliant with the MPEG 2/DVB S and more recently the MPEG 4/DVB S2 standard… … Wikipedia